One night=One life

She sat staring at him
The boy she always wanted
She had no faith
After all the years she'd been taunted

He was sitting by a window
The light shone around him
She sat there thinking
Of how for that boy she would gladly sin

She thought she was dreaming when he came up to her
He asked her to go to dinner
Later that night in his car
She became that sinner

She thought she was happy in the end
In her head there were no regrets
Neither one of them knew that night
They're future had just been set

The next day when she saw him in school
He didn't send her a glance
As the day went on she realized
She was only a one night stand

A month went by and she was miserable
She even thought about ending it all
But something held her back
There was somekind of wall

The next morning she woke up
She immediately puked
The test came up positive
She was fucked

This girl barely ever spoke a word
But that day she had gone
She needed to tell that boy
Exactly what they had done

Eight months passed and she was alone
The room was filled with cries
Those cries were not her own
♠ ♠ ♠
I don't see sex as a sin. Just clearing that up.
If the end confuses you the boy left and her parents kicked her out so was alone with a baby.
I'm basically just saying that be careful about sex and if your friend does get pregnant, NEVER ABANDON THEM.