Loving You.. Can Be Addicting...

I feel it deep in my gut
That feeling you surface
Every time you’re around
It makes me want to jump out of my skin
It only subsides when you are far away
Wishing you were closer to touch
Just to satisfy this new craving
That you have now awakened
From deep within me
Hoping to keep this feeling alive
Even after you’re long gone
Images keep repeating
The few moments we had together
Yet I’m daydreaming of love’s first kiss
I keep anticipating the moment our lips will meet
Yet it hasn’t happened
I will not give up hope
For I know your reluctance will give in
You hesitate for a moment
I can feel the tension rise
The sparks are flying
Feeling the electricity build
The butterflies in my stomach
Remind me of a school girl’s crush
Yet I’m near breathlessness
Signs telling me this is something more
Your smile grace your features
Making my breath hitch
Heartbeat quickens
Blood rushes to my cheeks
Lips feel so lonely
Staring into your eyes
A feeling worth knowing
Is consuming me alive
Can’t help what’s going to happen
Feel the power build between us
Lips synching to one another
Hands possessed by an unknown force
My insecurities and doubts fall away
Hearing your sighs
Tells me you’re content
Makes my heart leap with immense joy
Time passes, but goes unnoticed
This feeling builds in my caged heart
Feels close to explosion
This moment last forever in my heart
When the time comes for you to say goodnight
Can’t help but beg you stay
Still you say your goodnight
Knowing you feel the same way
Wishing you could stay in this heaven we have created