Whenever you fall

Looking back, searching the memories
Reminds me of all the times
When you were still here,
The trust, the loving
I gave you all, that i had
And it reminds me that
Whenever you fall,
You can lose it all

It may be good,
You may learn, become stronger
Become a fighter,
Begin to stand up for what you believe in,
Because when you fall,
It doesn't always mean,
That you're going to lose it all

Life has its ups and downs,
We will always learn,
We will sometimes fall,
But no matter what happens
We need not lose hope,
As when you fall
You don't have to lose it all

Make your own hopes
Build your own dreams
Block out the negatives
And if you fall,
And lose it all,
Just get back up,
Look up to the stars
Believe in yourself,
And just try again

Because when you fall,
It's not the end,
If you fall, you can carry on
Just believe in your dreams
♠ ♠ ♠
Please leave comments I want to improve my writing. Thanks Kimiā™„