
Torn away
From life's little edge
Useless i feel
The pain i dread
I scream i fall down
Forever it seems
I'm falling into darkness
But it's all a dream

I wake up
Night after night
Soaked in sweat
With blurred sight

My senses are sharp
When they adjust
And I've shifted my shape
Not for the best

I crave human,
their blood and their flesh
And i want to drink
Only the best
I'm a vampaire now
But i wake yet again
To the drumming and pounding
Inside of my head

A whirwind this time
Spinning me down
Farther i fall
Then i start to drown
With my head underwater
My screams are drown out
I can't kick, i can't move,
I soon start to shout

"Help me" i cry
I yell in my sleep
I escape from the water
I was under so deep

Once more I'm awake
This time i feel
The damp underground
It seems so real
I'm in a coffin
Six feet under
And now i have the time to wonder

I try to awake
My thoughts far behind
I feel an earthquake
And I'm quickly blind

The ground is rumbling
The sky, it screams
"Shut up!" i yell "This is only a dream"

Twice more i awoke
That horrible night
Locked in nightmares
So far from the light
I don't know why
But they play in my head
Every night I really dread
The day passes quick
The night soon creeps up
i don't want to sleep
I'm scared of this stuff

But eventually
I fall off to sleep
Once again
In a horrible dream
I try to escape
I try to out run
The thoughts in my head
They are no fun

I tear off the sheets
I rip up the bed
While images play
Inside of my head
Locked in my own thoughts and dreams
Nightmares i have
Nightmares i scream