Paper Heart

Her paper heart.
Crumpled into a ball.
I watched him toss it.
Right there in the hall.

He was laughing with her.
Touching her shirt.
Smoothing her hair.
Being a big flirt.

I stopped right then.
All i could do was stare.
He was ruining her heart.
With every rip and tear.

In the palm of his hand, he held it.
I said to think of your heart as sacred.
She palced it in his care.
She said this is what she wanted.

Now there he stands.
With some other chic.
Just like i predicted.
He's being a dic.

He knows what hes got.
And it'ssomething worth while.
Not that he cares.
The stupid imbosile.

If he just looked, then he'd see.
That she's the right kind of girl.
Not a rusty old ruby.
But a beautiful pearl.

If it were the other way around,
And it was HIM who was searching to be found,
She wouldn't crumple up his heart, in a manner so uncouth.
She would look at him with admiration.
Because that's the simple truth.

Her paper heart.
It's worth so much more.
I picked it up, smoothed it out.
How could he leave it on the floor?