
My fingertips tap against the smooth wooden surface.
My lashes bat to match the horrifying beat of sound.
My lips whisper lyrics to immitate the words; the screams.
My heart pounds so loudly; as if unaware that someone else may be around

My feet stomp in rythym; my toes take turns as they tingle;
My skin raises slighty; goodbumps running down my spine
My breath picks up in pace; as if im running from my reality
My legs begin to shake; the vibe is suiting my taste just fine.

My lips begin to tremble; the heat slowly releasing from them
My brain begins on fighting; the dark voices in my head
My tongue swells; and my throat begins to close;
My teeth clench together; my jaw locked; stuck; almost dead.

My hair stands tall; each single cell on the back of my neck;
My eardrums start to burn from the loud noises entering through.
My body can't fight this music; and i start to lose it.
My message; "This one's for you".
♠ ♠ ♠
I was listening to Passenger by Deftones when this one suddenly just came to me; I think it turned out pretty well considering i haven't been on my top-writing-game lately. I hope you like it; let me know what you guys think. THANKS!