Ice Princess

Once apon a time, a little girl put her heart in the freezer, next to the icecream, as an experiment to see how long it would take before it stopped beating. when she used it again, she found the inside as soft as butter but try as she might, the outside never thawed.

and so it was, the little girl who constantly felt cold, grew up into a popular, beautiful woman. her friends praised her for her warm heart and easy smile, but even with her closest friends, she wasnt surprised when they did something that would have wounded her deeply had she not thought them capable of doing it.

As the years went by, the woman amused her-self doing things that brought her joy: she sang, painted, danced, gardened, looked atfer her nieces and nephews, adopted an adorable little boy, socialised and watched the stars. yes, she weeped a little because her heart still hadn't thawed, but overall, she lived a happy existence.

when finally her life was coming to a close she embraced it, and as she did, slowly, a crack appeared in the ice around her heart. as it lengthened, the old woman smiled, and when the ice fell away, she sighed happily, closed her eyes, and never opened them again.

happiness comes in all shapes and sizes. not just love. and although love is nice, you can live without the kind you mean. i mean from friends, family, love of yourself, love of the things you have a passion in. that kind. is almost impossible to ever get rid of. even if you wanted to.