She And I.

Smiling on the outside
Dying from within
All because you didn’t
Let her get in.

You didn’t let her in your heart
Or into your mind and soul
You didn’t give her a chance
To beat her personal goal.

All she wanted was a chance
A moment just to live.
She didn’t want just anyone
She wanted you to give.

She thought that maybe
You weren’t like the rest
She thought you we’re on a pedestal
By far, the very best.

She longed for your help
Behind her eyes, she drown.
But you shattered her heart
Did you hear the sound?

Now she’s living
In a world of pain
Nothing to loose
But nothing to gain.

She lives for the blood
That drips to the floor
To get rid of the pain
She’s felt before

Did you ever think
Before you turned her away
That being sincere
Could brighten her day?

She and I are one
The same heart and mind
That you just left
For someone else to find.