No Exceptions

Don't worry
I lie to everyone.
There are no exceptions.

I lie to the ones I hate.
The useless people.
People society could do without.

I lie to the ones I never really notice.
Because why does it matter
what I say to them anyway?

I lie to my friends.
The ones who call themselves my friends.
Even though
They don't really know me.

But does anyone?
Do I?

I lie to the ones close to my heart.
The ones that mean the world to me.
The ones I try not to lie to.

But the lies keep coming.
Pouring from my mouth
In an endless river.
Like vomit.
I lie.
And I lie.

And I lie to myself.

Don't worry.
I lie to everyone.
There are no exceptions.
♠ ♠ ♠
I always try not to but I do tend to lie. It may be about something that doesn't even matter. So, this poem is just me venting my frustation at myself for all the lies I've told and will probably tell in the future. This is me being honest while also lying to you all.