Another Statement of Life

Here am I, sitting in the grass
And Reason sits beside me, lets the time pass
We talk and we play
Until Death whisks him away.
Then, I should speak with Curiosity that day
And see how I become so interested in a way
That Danger must come and beat me down
And leave me quivering on the ground
I'll try and go to Comfort for some support
But only for him to simply retort
And Anxiety to come and worry me so
And make me wonder how many days there are to go.
And Stress will be upon me, feeding off of my pain
And Evil will be beside me, causing much distain
And Terror will appear and cause me to suffer more
And Murder will come only to fester like a sore
And then Love bursts in, and wipes them all away
I continue my life at my will on that day.
And my friends will desire me
And my love will be beside me
And I will be well once again.