That One Day

There's always that one day
when everything is perfect
That day when you
Just want to scream happily to the world

That one day when nothing can go wrong
We all wait for that day
That day makes everything better
The day will be the best

That one day when you don't stop smiling 
That one day when the dullest colors
Seems like the brightest 
That day is the day that we will love forever
One day when the rain seems romantic
That day should last forever
Last forever in our lives

That day should stay forever
Make everything better
That day could change the world 
Change the way we see things

That one day when you don't stop smiling 
That one day when the dullest colors
Seems like the brightest 
That day is the day that we will love forever
One day when the rain seems romantic
That day should last forever
Last forever in our lives

Happiness everywhere we look
That's we what we see that day
No anger, no sadness
No crying, no abuse
Everyone smiling at each other 
No tears allowed that day 

That one day when you don't stop smiling 
That one day when the dullest colors
Seems like the brightest 
That day is the day that we will love forever
One day when the rain seems romantic
That day should last forever
Last forever in our lives

That day should be today
And every other day
Never let it end
Let it last forever
Stay with us forever