Hard Life

The stress, the test, the complete hot mess
Rollin’ down your chest like sweat as you try your best
To keep yourself together
To endure the weather
And whether it’s bad or good you try to make it better
The waves of persecution in perfect execution
What goes around comes around in predictable revolution
Clearer then day and in highest resolution
You see your perfect day ruined in horrid pollution
But the solution to pollution is dilution
Your job is to make your life a journey not a conclusion
Time to put hope and life together to make a perfect infusion
No longer striving after the wind lookin’ for a mere illusion
I’m speakin from the heart as I know life is hard and a struggle
But instead of wallowing in your struggle find a friend to snuggle
Trying to figure it out yourself will only leave you puzzled
Go talk to somebody, don’t keep yourself muzzled
I’ve cried the tear, ran from my fear, had times of good cheer, lost people dear
Had pressures from a peer, had people fake being sincere, people that appear to only jeer
Jeer for a career, with lies they smear your ears, words hurt worst than a cavalier
These times roll around year after year after year
My heart is my inspiration for this poem of reconciliation
It’s the foundation for the translation and interpretation
Of hard life and its harsh complication
But amidst the hard complication brings salvation
That salvation is what keeps my heart beating in regulation
Tell your life that this is the stipulation
You are taking control and you don’t need a confirmation
That you are willing to fight off all degradation
You’re not going down without a fight! That’s your declaration without hesitation.
Take it one day at time and relax and unwind your mind
Redefine your life unconfined
Tell drama to take a step behind and head to the back of the line
Listen to the message in this poem and not just the way it rhyme
Don’t stress over things that are of little concern
Learn that there is something out there better to yearn
There’s something you can do to improve and earn
To now be stern and make your life take a 180 turn
Once you make the 180 don’t make a return
Or all the things that you did earn will burn
Keep moving forward to avoid all the strife
Persecutions are always there to stab you with a knife
Good things will come almost rife
So take the good and bad cause that comes with living this hard life.
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My fave so far.