
Sitting in the corner as the light descends upon me
Everything is a blur infront of me
Beside me
Near me

But one object lays only a couple inches away
And I can see its an empty bottle that contained the magic pill that helped me forget
Forget the lies
The people
My life
This object then blurs

And another object appears. Mocking me
Its a glass containing a serum that numbs my pain
I pick it up and see only a few drops left
I tip it and let the liquid fall onto my swollen tongue
and taste the bitter-sweetness
It blurs as I see another object

One last object I remember
Was what I could have lived without
A book that held familiar thoughts to me.
These thoughts danced on the pages
Making me want to scream

Smiling Faces
Sunny Days

I hit the wall and tip my head back to look at the light cascading over me.
I look around the blurred room one more time
Before closing my eyes.
I smile and lift my hand to my lips and say a goodbye to the faces I have forgotten already.
♠ ♠ ♠
uhm its sad i know. i would like to know if its good or not pls tell me :]