Don't judge a book by its cover.

I keep trying and trying, but it never works.
Always a failure in everybody's eyes.
Losing and failing has become a life style.
Why can't everything be perfect?
Because it's life that's why.
Practice, practice but no one cares.
You don't get points for trying, you get points for winning.
Everyone can be so shallow, just because your not an athlete or popular doesn't mean your not important.
You could be smart, or nice, but of course it doesn't matter.
Why is everyone like that?
Hasn't anybody heard don't judge a book by it's cover?
They could be into sports or has tons of friends, and they could be the meanest person you've ever met.
But they would probably still have friends.
Everyone that's alone should give people a chance, even if you arn't you still should get to know a person before you judge.