A Forward Step Back

As if you think I care
Better off not knowing you, probably
Can't waste time away from you, can't waste time with you
Don't we deserve a day without this shit?
Even the slightest mention of your name drives me mad
Forever I want to murder the thought of you
Good, yet, good is the only thing I feel when you talk to me
Hell has grown to be the twin of time
Innocent intentions mask the words you pick so carefully
Justify, justify your words
Kill my doubt-- Kill it! Because I shouldn't doubt your love for me
Love doesn't exist in this relationship--I know it doesn't exist
Must move faster, must move further down this god forsaken road
Never step over the crack-- let it trip you-- let yourself fall
Overspill of the heart-- it speaks too much in this case
Press the right button--- for this relationship can't break down
Quit it! Quit it! I'm going to quit it.
Relapse. Relapse. Relapse.
Stinging-- life is stinging without you love
Trigger, trigger-- Pull the fucking trigger
Under, under, under isn't just the end
Vulnerable-- nothing but vulnerable
Without your words in my life
X just isn't enough without the O
You think that I care? I don't. I don't.
Zoo-- my life is like the fucking zoo
Always, tied--Always,caged with you