What Is This Feeling?

What is this feeling?
The butterflies in my stomach,
The quivers down my spine,
The heat in my face,
What is this feeling?
The crippling shyness,
This feeling of constant uncertainty,
The electricity running through my veins,
What is this feeling?
My tongue never does what I want it to,
My lips never form the right words,
The correct sound never comes out of my mouth,
What is this feeling?
You're an ever present spirit,
You're always close at hand,
You're in my every thought, haunting my mind,
What is this feeling?
You're a good friend,
You're always there for me,
You must think I'm a fool,
What is this feeling?
You're in the room with me,
My heart is beating so fast, like a train about to crash,
My head is spinning, how much longer will I be able to stand?
Our clammy hands we clasp together, that lets me know we're both human,
But I feel so happy, and I've never felt so safe and comfortable,
What IS this feeling?
This feeling in my stomach, that I never can shake off,
This warmness in my heart, that stops me from ever feeling cold,
This joy in my soul, that helps me know I'm not alone,
This emotion that I'm feeling, always controlling me,
Is called
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah I wrote this poem because recently I realized, I didn't just LIKE my boyfriend, I was IN LOVE with him, which is a HUGE deal for me. It's my first time being in love. So to share the experience, I wrote a poem and posted it on mibba because I just haven't had the time to update my stories :)