I'm Overrated

A flurry of praise and I was an effigy,
The teenage genius, a wordsmith prodigy,
I was Hope's daughter - then came the slaughter -
My ascent to the heavens was never fated,
Fold up my ambitions, put them away. I am overrated.

Kingdoms I conquered and empires were mine,
I listened when they said my words were divine,
What I thought I was - it was nothing but buzz -
I forgot my mortality, forgot I was real,
Forgot I could bruise, forgot how to feel.

Put on the pen cap and go back to black,
Leave the fans behind, to the critics go back,
An encore for dignity - the rebirth won't be pretty -
Spiralling choruses to be suffocated of grandeur,
Strip the packaging, go back to being a social voyeur.

I am the clichéd phoenix.