What do you do?

What do you do when the one you loves becomes your shadow?
I don't no, dose it really matter?
What do you do when you feel so dumb and you feel as if you have never won?
I have no clue i don't have these problems.
What do you do when you have shed to many ears?
I really don't care.
What do you do when you don't no how to say when you feel?
Hunny..if he dosen't no who you feel dump him.
What do you do when you don't give in?
If your talking about sex...wow i don't care.
What do you do when you don't give enuf?
Wow you have alot of problems.
What do you do when you don't no if you can say i love you?
Maby your no in love.
What do you do when you don't want to lose him?
Just do what he says and it will be ok.
What do you do when your really hurt inside?
Just cover it you...take it out on ur self.
What do you do when enufs not enuf?
I no the cure that is great and it will take all the pain away.
Yea but you got to trust me.
Ok i do..
You see that 9 mitimeater?
Yea its my dads.
Put it to your head and here it go BANG.