
Your mediocre lies
Are worming their way through
the only truth we have left
Our love
Do I mean nothing to you?
'Cause it sure seems that way

Everything about you is so
Your hair
your clothes
your style
your love is equal to your lies
You're tearing me apart
Ripping me to shreds
Killing me slowly
(from the inside out)

Your mediocre ways
there slowly destroying everything
that's good
in me, in you, in us
It's gonna kill me soon
and finally all your
mediocre shit won't
hurt no more
won't affect me
won't kill me anymore
I will finally rest
foREVor and all Eternity
Away from your
Mediocre Lies.
♠ ♠ ♠
Like I said I wrote this for a friend of mine and wanted to share for everyone to see what a bad relationship can bring you down too. Don't let anyone control you, it's your life (unless your underage and still live with your parents). RIP Jimmy "the REV" Sullivan. You live on in our memories foREVor
Love, Delightful Syn