Bad Wolf

Watch me howl to shooting stars
watch me lick my healing scars
See me run with my pack of dark
See my claws leave their bleeding mark.
Hear my panting, my eerie night call
Smell my fetid breath before I maul

Try to run away and try to hide
Lock your mind before I get inside
Seal your memories and thoughts of escape
Hide them well Child, for I can see their shape
Flush the bliss and joy from your mind
Remove it all, so you run blind

Trust me, it’s your one and only chance
To survive this ancient deadly dance
You can’t last in this weak human state
You must shed your skin and clean your slate
You must learn to breath the shadows like air
If you don’t learn fast, you’d better beware

I’m following you in this sacred hunt
The chase is a feeling I cannot shunt
I feel the feral earth, it screams me on
It won’t let me rest until morning’s dawn
It consumes my mind, body and soul
It’s what keeps a monster like me whole

Beware, frail human. Run fast and run hard!
Keep an ear open, all senses on guard!
Can you not hear me chasing after you?
Haven’t you got a single clue?
The same scared words, your heart keeps on drumming:
“Child beware, The big Bad Wolf is coming.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm not usually one for poetry, but I sort of had fun writing this for a school assignment.