Unwilling To Suffer

Unwilling to suffer,
I pride myself over what it is I have left.
But no sun rises,
I remain covered by stares -destructive love,
undeniable lust.-
I stand ever so strong, & remain as cold as the sky
[as ever so beautiful]. All this time,
and then dare I say I wish I could hide.
Denying of fears, it comes,
-the rampage- the streets.
How long can I be?
I am yet to weep, to feel it now deep.
Once again I mourn over the flower long gone
-the truth I must hide, what I musn't show-
for I am gone too, now, that path that's forlorn;
once again lost.
I must stand strong,
deny the passion that flows, all the light I could give.
Unwilling I am, within I must hide.