It Didn't Have To Be

Driving home
From a nice family day.
All of a sudden
It rained on their parade.
He fell asleep and sped
Across the median.
She tried to swerve the car,
But he had come too far.
He smashed in the door
And the family fell on the floor.
911 was called.
Sister, mother, father mauled.
She didn't make
the helicopter ride,
Pretty soon
She couldn't open her eyes.
Gracie was gone.
Alcohol the culprit.
Her blood on his hands
And on the carpet.
A horrifying death
died little Gracie
The worst part is
It didn't have to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gracie died 2 years ago, from a drunk driver who fell asleep at the wheel. Gracie was 8 that March night. She and her little sister were the apple of their parent's eyes. She made friends so easily, and really cared about them. They were getting a puppy for her in a few weeks, she'd always wanted one. They didn't get the dog, they moved out of the house. Pretty, adorable Gracie, did not have to die that night. She shouldn't have died.

Her sister, who used to be so outgoing, is extremely quiet and shy now. They have another bed in her room. On the headboard is the two girls' names. Gracie's sister's favorite song is "I Miss You" by Miley Cyrus, and that song is playing in that room all the time. All over the house is things with "Grace" on them.

Please help stop drunk driving. It doesn't have to happen. If you know someone who does have a problem, or who intends on driving home if they're not in a condition to, STOP THEM! Let's not let anymore people, like Gracie have to die. Let's stop the blood-spilling and the deaths caused by stupidity and carelessness.