She + Everyone

They say I never stay,
That I can't be with someone for long
I date everyone, anyone
Breaking up isn't hard for me.

Who do you think I am?

You say "It must be great,
having everyone after you."
"Wish I had that."
But you don't know.

I only want who I have.

How it feels to hurt people,
To know you have someone
Carrying a goddamn torch,
Someone says it's a crowd of candles.

What do you even say to them?

I love him. I love him. I love him.
And I tell you that every day,
I tell you ALL that every day
And no one ever believes me.

Here's how it really is.

I'll be as loyal as its very definition.
I'm not one for a fling.
I don't date just anyone. I make mistakes.
It destroys me every time.

Thought you knew better who I was.

It's not great.
I'm a caged Penelope,
Surrounded by a cajoling
Antinous, and his band of merry men.

Waiting for Odysseus's arms.

It's a torture knowing how people feel,
What it must have been like for Juliet;
Waking by the husks of those who loved her
More than life itself.

And knowing I can't say anything.

I love him. I love him. I love him.
Why won't you listen? It kills me.
Every day it kills me.
No one can hear me.

I guess a single action speaks louder than any words.