Wake-Up Call

Brain Damage.
Broken bones.
Forever pain,
Forever scars.

Why would someone cause
so much pain towards
another human being,
a helpless human being,
a weak human being.
Once you know of
such horrible actions,
You wake up.
You wake up from your childhood,
you wake up from all your empty hopes
and dreams.
And for the first time
you realize that this is real,
this is not a joke.
Everything you dreamed of
and everything you thought good of,
all the people you trusted
are not what they seem to be.

There are so many hidden possibilities
and so many dissapointments.

We all pray for you Jake!
♠ ♠ ♠
My nephew, Jake suffered shaken baby sydrome. Elle Rene has more details. Check out her original poem. I copied it, because well first of all its about my nephew, secondly im her best friend and she gave permission, and lastly.... I also believed in this poem. I helped:p kinda...