So what if we're destined to be alone?

so what if we're destined to be alone?
that we spend decades of our life looking for 'the one' and all we find are useless, meaningless relationships
that all amount to nothing..
what if nothing is planned
and it's all one big game in which we all eventually lose?
what if the terror you feel due to the thought of dying alone never stops
until you are dying and noone is there for you
you are finally dying alone and nothing can change that
because it's how the game's panned out on your behalf.
what if there's just some of us that aren't meant to be with anybody
there's certainly those who don't deserve to be with anybody
but what is there truly are those who are meant to be alone till the day they die?
what if I'm one of them, and I'm sat here contemplating this unknowingly unsealing my fate with every word?
what if you are one of the ones destined to be alone?
people settle for second best,
people they don't truly love because they think they'll never find 'the one'
and all they can do is live with the decision they have made,
live with the consequences you have fated yourself for