
When your falling down faster,
Hitting the ground half a million,
Faces and no sound but your own,
Silent screams no one will ever, Know your hiding everything or,
Will they?,

Faking a smile just to get through,
Another day and another night, Hoping to god you'll get sometime,
By yourself to think although deep,
Down you know that’s not a good, Idea,

To be left alone with your own mind,
Left to wonder through your own, Suicidal depressive thoughts that, Destroy you inside the mind is what,
Kills you most feeling stupid that, You think these things and do these,
Things to yourself,

Losing your mind not knowing if you,
Really are alive or dead or just, Dreaming but deep down you know, This is no dream but a nightmare a, Truly disturbing nightmare that, You can't wake from,

You can't wake you can't get out of, This until you let it have you it won’t,
Go away until you let it take you out,
Until you let it take you alive and let,
It kill you unless of course you’re not, Already dead,

You tell yourself "I will get through, This" so many times now that the, Words have lost their meaning and, Are now just a simple phrase to you,
You get more and more depressed, Knowing you have let everyone, Down the promises not to do, Anything stupid have long been, Broken by your mistakes,

Your as fragile as a clear glass, Broken one too many times and, Simply glued back together just,
Like your heart safety pinned back,
Together so no one will notice,
A thing wrong with you and you, Hate to be such a fake but you know,
They would rather not see your pain,
You know well,