Deadly Curious

Walls eaten,
Plaster holed by worms.
Hopeless they cry,
For their children,
Dust and ash,
Hoping for death
As they decay,
Broken in life
But not dead.
Blood that tastes of rust,
Push this metal rod
Through your temple,
Broken in the light,
Waves flow
Burnt to cinders as they are,
Absorb the shots,
Piercing your chest,
And you laugh as you blister,
Blood boils under your skin,
Your eyes melt
With your fears,
And you laugh,
Take it,
Break it,
Make it,
Fake it,
Deny your pain,
Break your vows,
Ended in a rush,
A panic,
Peel your skin from bone
With your fingernails,
Pull your hair out
With a broken mind,
Cut your flesh
The real feeling
Of breaking skin to the bone
With a rusty,
Kitchen Knife.
But it's better than you've ever felt before
Because need is more than want
And Lithium just can't heal the pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Depressed once again. This one's a bit more surreal than the others. It's about how I always wonder what it would feel like to burn in a fire or decay and be eaten by worms or to be hit by a bus or to cut myself to the bone with a rusty, serrated kitchen knife. If it were a song it would be screamo with some singing. Like slipknot songs. That's how I imagined it when I wrote it.