
I killed you a thousand times in a dream last night
Our love – fox-footed as a constrictor at hunt
Squatted in your ventricles and seizing hold
Proceeded to strangle you to death, death, death

No sun for the cock to squawk at hoarsely –
Ten round silver nails biting at a fat black-board –
Dawn is black as pitch; a viscous vacuum
You have gone away, once more

Be quick. You are late, my little white hare
You slipped off into a honey-sweet slumber
On route sixty-six, your Thermos had
Ran empty of coffee an hour ago

Now, you are the figurehead to a big rig
Your apparition, a pallid-skinned Christ
Rap, tap, tapping at the door of that motel
An angry tempest at his back

There he waits, that Bates boy,
In the office for an juxtaposed spell
The water hits you hot drops like a waterfall
Three sharps swishes of the blade and you’re

Pushing up posies
Sun rise is at six pm
What succour,
You in my arms