
He makes the blood in her veins boil. When they touch it’s amazing.
The air sizzles and cracks, this is all she thinks about.
She can’t wait till they are together again. That connection is electric.
He use to cause electric charges,
While in the mean time,
Her pain causes her to suffer.
He’s left so many times, she’s terrified that he’s going to leave again.
He say,” he’s never wanted someone so badly before.”
After he uses her, he throws her away, like trash.
Like she has no feelings. Her feelings are broken because of him. He always hurts her, yet she goes back.
When she’s hurt and angry,
She cries.
Her tears are red,
She cries blood,
Her heart bleeds,
Yearns for him,
Her wrist bleed, her hands are covered in blood.
Her blood,
She sits in the empty room,
She cries,
She cries so hard.
She doesn’t cry because of physical pain, though it feels like it.
She cries because he’s gone,
He took everything.
Now he doesn’t know what he has caused,
He has caused this bleeding and hurt.
The pain never has left and never will leave,
She sees him and cries,
Cries hard,
Cries the tears of blood.
She bleeds out,
Bleeds more and more.
And it won’t stop,
Never stops.