
She is brave and is head strong. She thinks nothing can bring her down. Well now she wakes up and sees what life has to offer. She made many mistakes, and now everything she has gone through has made her stronger.
Now everything is not how it seems. She is lying to all her friends about what she’s doing and where she’s going. Every time she starts to get over everything, everything/everyone comes back. All those feelings for him and she can imagine the way they use to be, she can almost feel the way he use to touch her.
When they meet up and he holds her she feels alive like she is in heaven, he doesn’t know that he is her life. When he leaves, her life is gone. Her sole is gone her happiness. He takes everything with him when he leaves. She moves through each and every day like the undead because that’s how she feels. She feels the hurt and the pain every day. She could act happy, but she’s not. She isn’t happy till she’s with him. She thinks about him all the time and cries sometimes. She just wants to make him happy and seeing him happy with someone other than her kills her.
Well he comes back and she tries not to have those feelings for him, but she falls even harder. He doesn’t know and she can’t tell him. She doesn’t know why she keeps going back and going through the hurt all over again. Everything in her tells her he’s bad for him, but she thinks she loves him.
She hates the way he leaves. Hates the way he makes her cry. Hates the way he wants her and touches her. Yet, honestly she doesn’t hate him at all. She misses him when she can’t talk to him and when she can’t see him. She does everything he asks. Yet, nothing happens in return.
SHE waits,
She’ll WAIT Forever,