My Mind, My Depression

Thinking thoughts of apathy,
Wondering where to look- what to see.
Why don't I miss any feeling I felt?
Because all I feel now is agony.

My depression is an on-going cycle.

All I do is ramble- I'll ramble away.
Do I ever have a point in what I say?
I wouldn't know, because my mind eludes me,
It'll tread away when I need it the most,
Only to leave the other mind- only to boast.

My mind takes so much time to seek a resolution.
Soon enough I'll be committing against the Constitution.
I'll be a criminal, committing a crime,
Only to be analyzed and judged- They won't even find-
That my mind, my mind just takes up too much of my time.

My depression is an on-going cycle.

Is there ever an end?
Will I ever be happy again.
I don't know what to do any more.
I don't know why, but I resist the open door.

My depression is an on-going cycle.

I will never find what I'm looking for-
I'll lose the things I love and adore.
My mind is making me feel this pain.
Please, Oh stranger, please take it away.

My depression is a beast of terror that was left to knock-
To go on and on, 'til I answered the doors of distraught,
And you'll find that it will leave my body- My body to rot.

To my surprise, There's no more pain,
Because of you- My girl- you came,
You took it away.
With your love, that monster- You surely did slay.

There is no cycle.
There is an end.
But one that can have a beginning.
With you, It'll never happen again.