Trust to Love and Love to Trust

Trust is a must, it si said,
But lately, I just think you're
playing games with my head.

I don't enjoy this feeling of betrayal,
Because, in the end, if this keeps up,
everything will fail.

You say I'm your one and only,
But after tonight i'm not sure
if I will still be fully.

This feeling of nto knowing,
It's driving me insane,
and it's started showing.

She asks, 'is that a tear?'
And I deny it,
just out of fear.

Fear that everyone will think me weak.
Which I hate seeming;
Wow, third time this week.

See what you do to me?
You get down to my core,
make me feel like a baby.

I'm not so sure what it is about you.
Are you special? Or another one
just out of the blue?

Should I have these second thoughts?
You have always been true to me,
and with you, I have never lost.

Many a time I've asked myself,
is he the one? is he right?
But I shouldn't base my judgements
on a "might".

i love you, and always will,
And when you look at me and hold me,
I find my will

To always know that I can trust you.
Oh yeah, I miss you, if only you knew.
But did I mention, "I love you..."?