Just Life

Love Is Fake
Happiness Is A Lie
Peace Is Bullshit
So whats real in life?
When People in life have became Mindless Nothings and they don't care about others but jsut themselves. They will Kill, Steal, Lie, and Hurt other people to get what they want.
It's like their life thrives on it as if they would die without it for they don't have it every second of the day in their lives. The bad part about is I'm a victum of this shit everyday and im tired of it! Im tired of being used and lied to so they can get someting from me. I Despise the feeling i get when i find out im being lied to or being used! When ever i find something good its either to good to be true or im being used again like always! I guess i just have to be a cold hearted bitch so it dosent happen to me again. I guess it is true when they say Good Girls Finnsh Last.