Oh My Darling

You ask me to explain to you
No, you do so much more than ask.
You tuant me Timothy, force
these dreaded words from my lips.

Oh My dearest Timothy, how?
How can you haunt me so.
Thoughts of your lingering kiss
Controlling my moments with you.

Why Timothy do you tormant me?
Why do you dance unclothed
through my already vivid dreams.
No, not dreams Timothy, nightmares.

You may laugh your tormenting laugh
and you may continute torturing me
Without your ungiving words or thoughts
But someday i will break away.

Someday it'll be over for me too
It'll end for me to TImothy
And you mr darling Timothy
Will forget the feel of control.
♠ ♠ ♠
wrote this last night because I was pissed.