i love you till the end...but not as a best friend..

you don't know this.
but you've made me smile many times,
made me laugh till i had tear in my eyes.
your words have also made me cry,
more times than you can imagine.
that quote you sent me,
put tears in my eyes,
though i know you didn't mean it,
just another random pick up line.
"should i smile, because we're friends..
or cry because i know that's all we'll ever be?"
i'm not sure why,
but that line got to me.
because it's how i feel.
i may be young,
but it's not just a crush,
these feelings are real.
i know you love her,
don't get me wrong,
i'm happy for you;
you're my best friend,
she's like my sister.
you two are great together,
but i think you and i would be better.
i don't want to lose you,
or mess things up with her,
so i can't tell you my thoughts,
i'm forced to write them to you in this little box.