Memories of Goodbye

Roses brush along my hands
Soft green grass cushions my feet
I make my way to where a willow stands
Beneath its draping leaves I make me seat

The willow stands at the edge of a lake
And into its shallow waters I stare
That which I see in its surface is not fake
But it is also not really there

I see a couple, happy and in love
They smile as if the haven't got a worry
Their hearts beat together like the wings of a dove
They move with the grace of those not in a hurry

As I watch, the image alters
The couple is kissing, happy as ever
For a moment, I feel as my heart falters
It seems as if the couple will be together forever

Again the picture becomes something new
I'm aware that tears are falling from my eyes
The girl stands alone, no longer part of a happy two
The man has fallen, and as I watch, he smiles once and then dies

I move away from the lake, feeling broken
Memories assault me, pounding in my head
Of this incident, I've never spoken
There was nothing I could do, and now my love is dead