I am the Damned and the Neglected

I am the damned and the neglected
I wonder how many years make up a life time
I hear the enchanting echo’s of the silent Owl
I see beyond the darkened abyss to a place that never ends
I want to obtain what I cannot possess
I am the damned and the neglected

I pretend like words don’t hurt me and proceed to brush it off
I feel as though the hands of time has a clasp upon my throat
I touch the cold brisk air of deaths presence
I worry that determination and courage might not be enough
I cry about the future and what’s in beyond the cold frontiers
I am the damned and the neglected

I understand that Death in inevitable and therefore we cannot escape
I say the fear of the future Is all in your head
I dream that one day our makers would stop reining chaos upon humanity
I try to incorporate peace into the world that I live in
I hope that my effort will recognized and in the long run, pay off
I am the damned and the neglected