Forever's Never Seemed So Long

I feel like I need to cry
But I don't understand why
Is this my punishment
for breaking some hearts?

Lost many friends,
So terrifyingly true.
Is this the consequence
For giving up you?

Did I make the payment
With those few words
Did I hurt you so badly
You just had to spread the word?

What lesson can I learn
If I continue to burn
In this endless hell
That I know so well?

It seems very cliche,
This I know
My pain and sorrow
will always grow.

I will never comprehend
Why it always has to end
Doesn't matter how wonderful
Or incredibly stressful

But I cannot change it,
It will stay the same
Nobody can do anything
To hide my shame.

I'll keep taking the blame,
You can keep using my name.
Just always remember
I'll be yours forever.