Set 19

We start at Set 14
and we all enter our world
Our heartbeat ringing loud and clear in my ears
but it mutes itself
and my ears can no longer hear it's pulse

I keep my eyes as long as I can on it
but I must keep going and trust my mind
to find it again

I focus my attention to the power in my hands
a power I sometimes could not always control
and spin it
using it's power to create a red beauty words cannot properly describe

taking my eyes off the heartbeat
I spin around and dash to my next spot
in a synchronized rhythm
but I do not head to my perfect destination

two steps too much to right
and I collide into the power of my comrade
she falters and risks a quick glance at me
her eyes wide
but she realizes she just as much power as me
and we keep going
if we stop here, our world will fall apart

a bit shaken, I continue on
and I get another glimpse at our heartbeat for just a moment
my mind had not yet found it

We've crashed into set 19
in a synchronized stable chaos
I move in to my special spot
and in that 1 second that I spin, I see fear in everyone's eyes
Fear of what power I hold in my hands
a power they think I can't control
a power I think I've lost control of

but he doesn't
he, who is closest to me
he, who is at the very wrath of my power
is not scared

but instead, he has faith
faith that I do indeed have complete control over my power
that I will never harm him

through him my mind finds the heart beat
through him my hands grip my power with more strength
and I smile
shining the brightest in our world
till we must leave
♠ ♠ ♠
Ehhh. This poem might not make any sense to anyone except me, but it does mean a lot to myself.