Not The Same

You scare me
I'm no longer care-free
In my dreams, that's where you haunt me

Oh those eyes, they're everywhere I look
It's my life that you took
It's like I'm hanging by a hook

I sit here and wait
for my life back, it's getting late
I sit here and await my fate

The walls keep closing in
Is this where the end begins?
Don't let me go, oh friend

Help me, save me, I'm drowning!
Can't you see me? I'm suffering!
Get me out, I'm hardly breathing!

You sit there and stare
as I sink, you don't even care
with you, this pain I share

As we dissolve into a sweet nothing,
we embrace and begin loving
This is where we start dying

As this world bids its adeui,
you and I are stuck like glue
You won't let go, you want me under, too

I open my eyes from the horrible dream
and my heart rips at the seam
so terrified, I can't even scream

You're gone, but you still scare me
I'm not longer care-free
Why won't you let me be?