One More Nail

I do believe I've cleaned my sins
My soul is of the purest white
But when I sleep I feel the heat rise
One more nail to save another life.

I do believe I'm going to heaven
My heart is filled with love
But when you whisper such deep secrets
One more nail to damn my soul

I do believe I've killed a man
My hands are stained red with blood
But it was for the best, he won't be missed
One more nail to keep me quiet

I do believe I've fallen in love
My Lady is the prettiest girl in town
But when she speaks I am filled with hate
One more nail to stain my walls

I do believe I am a good man
My intentions are always innocent
But it's difficult when so many are still alive
One more nail to hold me to my cross

I do believe I am chosen by god
My mission is to cleanse the world of evil
But that's quite hard to do when the devil is everywhere
One more nail to send the lambs along.

I do believe I am misunderstood
My fate has been halted in it's tracks
But even in jackets and padded rooms God can find me
One more nail to send me home