A Little Awry

Where did the stars
Take their shine
When the sky exploded?

Did they clutch hopelessly
To their florescent blooms
Of unimaginable
Serenity and warmth?

Why did the sun
Leave the moon
When he had everything
He could have ever wanted
With her?

Mercury is sucking it up
While Neptune's back there.
Where's her love?
Did Venus pull some strings?

Pluto's completely exempt from it all.
Earth's playing favorites.
Jupiter's wishing he were with Mars-
The asteroids keep getting in the way.

But did the stars leave everyone
Because they thought they weren't loved?
Saturn has all the love- what with all those rings.

Everyone feels bad for Uranus.

Sun still doesn't know what he did with Moon.
Mercury's just a suck-up.
Venus doesn't know what the hell she's doing.
Earth's just along for the ride.
Mars is afraid of all the
Asteroids in her way.
Jupiter's still desperate.
Saturn still gets all the love.
Uranus doesn't even matter. Screw him.
Neptune says screw Pluto-
Pluto's not even in the in-crowd anymore.
The Stars got fed up with it all.
I don't blame them.

So where did the stars go
When the sky exploded?
Space isn't an issue,
Is it?