Popular Girl

Who are you?
Here do you come from?
Who are your parents?
What does your mother look like?
And your father,
How does he make money?
To pay for those jeans?
Those shoes?

And what about your hair?
It is all about your hair.
You can not be one, without
Good hair,
With frizz or split ends.
What kind o shampoo do you use?
What does your hair smell like?
Is it long? And does it shine?

Is there a rule about pimples?
Why not?
Are you hormones different?
Are you an alien?

What are you going to be,
When you grow up?
Are you still going to be beautiful,
With good hair?
Even when you die?

Are you still going to e mean?
Are you going to be a beautician,
Wife or Realtor?
Magazine cover girl?
Queen? Genius?
Will you have popular daughters
Just like you? And why are you man?
Why does mean = popular?

You know about sex, too
How do you know so much
About sex?
I can see it in the way you move
Who taught you?
Did your mother teach you?
Just by being SEXY?
Is it an innate thing?

What do you think about,
Alone in your bed at night?
Are you ever alone?
Or do boys come through
Your window,
Popular boys with good hair and
An innate
… knowledge of sex.

What is your bed like?
Do you have lots of stuffed toys?
…and shinny throw pillows?

Do you write poetry in your diary?
Is it anything like, mine?
Are you popular because you are
A heightened version of the norm?
If that is the case and high school
Was an insane asylum
Who would rule?