Liar, Liar

What will you do?
when that mask of yours falls through.
And people can see you for you.
And when people can see what you really do.

Liar, Liar
Pants on fire

What will you do?
when you can’t hide you.
And people see through.
The façade that is you.

Liar, liar
Pants on fire

What will you do?
When people see you never grew.
From that deceitful little liar that is you.
The real you will come out to make his final debut.

Liar, liar
Pants on fire

What will you do?
When all your lies fall through.
When that façade that is you.
When that mask of lies falls, and gives the real view.

Liar, liar.
Pants on fire.
Hanging by a thread on the telephone wire.
Hang, hang, liar, liar.
Your thread broke from the telephone wire.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is definately my new favorite, of all my poems. :D
I really like this one.
So tell me if you like it, or if you don't. :)
Thankies for reading.
And have a look at my other poems. :)