
And as the zombies run in and eat out my brains
I wonder what caused me to go so insane.
Surely this couldn’t have happened on its own.
I mean I was only from a fucked up broken home
And maybe the cuts I wear everyday
Are just “God’s” way of saying hey
I don’t love you and I never will

The guilt eats away at me like maggots on a corpse
And the screaming of the vodka drowns out my own screams of pain
As I realize the bowl I just smoked was smoked in vain
Maybe a stronger drug is needed
But my mangled conscience is already pleading
With me to stop doing the things that I do
But I smile to myself as I take the pills and think fuck you

The cigarette I smoke is highly deserved
The menthol soothing me in a way that no one ever can
Not that anyone has ever tried
To wipe away the tears as I cried
Sometimes I imagine the tears turning to blood
Like the vampires in the fucking books I love so much

I imagine myself killing every last person in my school with a gun
Lining them all up one by one
And shooting them all in the head
Laughing after because they’re all fucking dead

I imagine myself fucking you so hard
That when you come you see stars
And as you whisper you love me so much
I pull out a knife and stab you in the gut
Then it’s my turn to whisper sweet nothings in your ear
Like you were such a lousy fuck my dear

My dreams are filled with romantic tales of my end
Like burning alive or anything that involves me never breathing again
Oh how I love to have these beautiful nightmares
It’s really a glorious thing to be scared
But it’s such a shame that every morning I don’t wake up dead
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Copyright © 2010 by Taylor Howell