Measuring Waist

Mrs. Anorexia. Night mirrors show a reflection that haunts you like a ghost. How are you today? Can I be honest? You aren’t looking too well. Maybe try eating. You know, not all food is bad, some you might find out that you like. Food doesn’t have to always be your worst enemy. All your clothes, do they not fit your body how you want them to look and fit? Brush that little fact off to the side for awhile. How you appear to others so much doesn’t always have to be your top priority. You’ve got one life to live, so live it like it’s just started getting old. Show them all Hell as long as you’re breathing just as much as they did with you. Nightmares come in full supply but a little information we all so carefully leave out is how the wounds come in our life are mostly self-made. What I say to people? How I see it is that we all die someday with our bodies changing, so why not in this area at least, be happy as much as we can? If I see something like a cheeseburger in front of me and I want it, if you stand in my way, someone’s gonna get hurt here and it won’t be me. Lol. I said that out loud the other day randomly and it made someone crack up laughing. Then they said something along the line of, ‘I don’t think anyone’s gonna try to take a cheeseburger away from you little miss stick figure.’ So look, I may not exactly know the ‘perfect’ things to say here to someone with the real thing of an eating disorder to make themselves realize their own inner beauty/outer beauty other than what I’ve already said, but it won’t stop me or hurt anyone by me still trying to find something worthwhile. You can be beautiful in the body you were born with if you make a few necessary adjustments. You see all the time, or hear about, celebrities getting plastic surgery and more and to me, I’m just sitting back at the scene somewhat disgusted. Why would you risk your life to that degree for just something like one of your flaws, which I might add, everyone around probably has something wrong with too. I guess I just don’t see the point. Love yourself, slowly the rose stops wilting. I know it’s been said a hundred times before, but you’re the real deal of beauty, beauty that so isn’t repulsive, the kind of beauty that draws people closer in. Everyone’s got something to their advantage. Find it. See it. Use it. Love it. Live it, and just be YOU!

Measuring waste,
body growing paste.
If it's mine I'll do what I wish,
a mirror of reflections has
much in itself to accomplish.
Fashion magazines in time evolve,
the world around me just doesn't revolve.
Beauty on me must be repulsive,
I'm among the plastic, it was impulsive.
Make-up products lay scattered in
the conversation monopolized,
'You're so vain' hits the rain,
the paralysis stylized.
Beauty queen drama comes inevitably,
don't even try to brush it off dismissively.
Why be the barbie? Why be the slut?
Show off your stuff as it is in a strut.
Take yourself out of it if you're in a rut.
Even the best of us sometimes whine,
looks have power in how they judge me,
over what we don't have we pine,
others demand skills we don't have
and then go out to dine.
All my imperfections I hereby banish,
from my assist you'll soon enough vanish.

*All of you models, fashion magazine editors demanding people be near a size 0 or else they’re out of the ‘popular’ group, take a long hard look in the mirror at yourselves, over half of your are looking a little chubby there, so don’t be so hypocritical. If you can’t starve yourself just to fit into a dress or otherwise don’t be expecting others to. For all the girls told they’re not good enough, for all the boys who know an eating disorder’s touch, you are good enough just as you are and you don’t need the approval of some snobby good for nothing losers to make you feel that way or less. This is your life so take back control. Secret #whatever? I don’t always like my body, a lot of things I think are gross, even though I have the body most of you desire. For instance, a lot of people comment that my hair is gorgeous but I think it sucks. Being thin just means you’re the joke of the day sometimes also, so please, accept yourself for what you look like and don’t let anyone change your mind. Every day I work to keep myself as myself even with the flaws I’m not so happy with, because as I’ve said before, it’s what makes me me, and for the most part, I like her. I guess liking everything on the outer identity layer starts with liking your own personality or something, I’m not completely sure.
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More and more people are told how they should look, it isn't right.