Hate Me

There's something sweet in victory,
Or maybe it's just my ego.
Maybe I'd rather make you feel,
Whether it's through love or hate;
It's better than nothing.

I'd like to know your regret is real,
Aluminum is not as strong as steel.

Fingertips will paint a story,
And stories fill themseleves with woe.
And before their knees, you will kneel,
Through whose decisions will debate;
It's better than nothing.

Flames from blades cause your flesh to peel,
The wounds bury so deep that they cannot heal.

I love to make a misery tasteful
So that the tongue of friendship denies
And ally to much more of it's own entertainment.

There's something sweet in victory,
My bloody words paint a bleeding story.

Don't bother wasting your time in ignorance
Because I will make it hell for you. <3