
From across the way he meets her eyes
And she feels her heart
Skip a beat. She looks
Away quickly as he jams his hands
Into his pockets. His eyes dance
And she fidgets with her necklace

Her delicate fingers drop the necklace
Hoping to meet those gentle eyes
Again and again and dreams about how she would gaze into them as they would dance
The night away under the stars and her heart
Would race, but he would end the night with a mere hand
Shake. If only she could see his longing looks

She knows what his looks
Mean. He understands what her necklace
Represents. Their hands
Mold into one as they communicate with their eyes.
The beating, joining of one heart
As away time dances

His large hand dances
Across her back as they share a look
Of pure love, and their hearts
Beat in sync. Gleaming in the sun her necklace
Shines as she gazes deep into his eyes
As they intertwine their hands

With their hands
They build a sand castle and dance
Through the crashing waves, blinding their eyes
Yet laughing all the while. They look
Into the setting sun as her necklace
Hums a sweet lullaby replaying forever in her heart

Racing at the speed of light her heart
Thumps away as he hands
Her a small little box that will replace the necklace
She holds dear. The stars above them twinkle and dance
In the night sky and look
Down upon them as they witness the moment with caring eyes

Eyes of hers have grown old and weak, accompanied by his wrinkly hands.
Hearts still beating strong and true, rapidly as the song brings memories flooding back of their dance
Looks as if she has not forgotten all that was, for it still is, as he lovingly admires her necklace
♠ ♠ ♠
The Sestina is a formal poem where each stanza has 6 lines, and the ending words must be constant, and change order in each stanza. The Sestina is a difficult fixed form of poetry for there is a certain pattern with the repetition of the last words in each line. This poem is about a boy and girl who meet and slowly but surely begin to fall in love. Their relationship grows as they go on romantic dates and understand each other better than anyone else, leading up to him proposing to her, and ending with them growing old together, still deeply in love with one another. If you read pleasepleaseplease comment so I can have some feedback, I'd really appreciate it alot :)