Un-realistic - Realistic Dreams

Hey mom, I wrote this song for you,
You've never been there for me,
But you've never had to.

You always gave up to easy,
And never believed in me,
But that's okay,
Because now I'm free.

Hey mom, just know that I love you,
No matter what,
I love you to bits,
But I've had enough.

I'm sick of you always bringing me down,
And not believing in my dreams,
Now here I am, singing this song for you,
So now's the time to start believing in me.

Hey dad, I love you,
Never forget that,
Thank you for always being there for me,
Even when you didn't have to.

So as I stand here,
Singing in front of all these people,
Just know that this song's for you,
I love you both,
Thank you for making my dreams come true.