You, You Did This To Me

I'm throwing things at the wall,
these things shouldn't bother me at all.
When I see you two,
I just want to puke.
I avoid you at all costs,
because if I don't my rage
will take over me.
Invisible fingers reach in,
and tear out my heart.
They dig deeper,
and rip out my spine.
I claw at my skin,
my thin shell,
protecting my insides.
If only I could rip it all off,
then you would really know what's,
on the inside.
I tug at my hair,
bound to flesh, bound to bone.
My skull,
the only barrier between me,
and my brain.
My brain,
which is slowly rotting from the pain.
My brain that no longer thinks,
and is no longer useful.
It's bound to blown
out of preportion,
and onto the walls that confines,
and we all know what that is....
You, you did this to me.